Friday, 16 September 2022


Satau, Leahe, Tzioni, and Takarut will return in my next book.

The purpose of the ‘Between the Verses’ series is to tell the story of the most earth-shaking events from the perspective of people who would have gone unnoticed by history, and by the Bible record itself. But I’ve also included a modern story arc in each BTV book, comparing the circumstances of ancient ones to people today.

The Exodus had so many different effects on what came after that I couldn’t settle on what the modern equivalent should be. It was just too wide-ranging to have a single comparison. As a result, the Exodus Story will be split into three different books, with a common ‘Ancient’ arc, and different ‘Modern’ equivalents. I want to tell a few different stories with the Exodus. The first, in this story, was about ‘revisionism’ in the history books. Ancient Cultures often rewrote history to be flattering to leaders of the time. It’s a tradition that has lessened in the modern day, but still goes on more often than we think about. Unpleasant truths are buried every day, but the consequences still catch up eventually.

It wasn’t until I was writing this story that I came to appreciate the awesome symbolism of the Nile turning to blood, with Moses declaring why. And yet, with eighty years passing between the massacre of Exodus 1:22 and the First Plague, how many in Egypt would have seen it?

The Bible is many things. It’s a history book, a family history, a collection of songs, and wisdom, an anthology of letters to early congregations, and a book of Law. But as a whole, the Bible is a narrative that explains Jehovah’s dealings with mankind, and His purpose in Creating and Leading the human race. As a result, the Bible does have a clear ‘story arc’. Everything in the early sections builds to the conclusion, just as in any epic tale.

The story of the Exodus is one of the most definitive moments in the Bible Record. It sets up everything from the time of Kings, to the prophecies of Christ, to the origins of some cultures that are still around today.

The Ten Plagues were powerful symbols in many ways, some of which will be explored in the next book. I hope you all enjoy this one, and what’s to come.


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You can find the whole story available for Purchase in Kindle and Paperback on Amazon.

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